Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Saudis - The Real Satans of the World

I went to Makkah and Medina during Ramadan for Umrah. Makkah has five star hotels around the Haram which charge 900 dollars per night during Ramadan and they were all fully booked. Just a few yards from these hotels, I took 100 packets of juice and fruit to handout one Iftar time. I was mobbed. People came from all directions to get a packet of juice, a banana, and and an orange. I could not have imagined the poverty in the great Saudi Arabia which is milking the world with 80-145 dollars per barrel for the oil. I was so upset at lack of dignity these people have to suffer in a rich state that I could not bring myself to do it again. I also remember the solemn and sad faces of Pakistani and Bengladeshi cleaning crew with green and orange uniforms cleaning the roads and courtyard outside the Haram in 125 degree heat for a mere 130 dollars per month. I was ashamed for all Muslims, including me, for tolerating this situation in the land of Prophet Mohammad and Abu Bakar who spent nights looking for needy persons.

I am told the plight of the Pakistanis and Bengladeshis in Dubai is not different from Makkah. The arabs do not pay the wages. I was pleased and proud to be back in the USA. I do not know why the common man in Pakistan blames USA as a Satan nation while the real satans live in the arab countries. I can practice my religion and freedom of expression is much better in USA than in the Arab countries.

Update on December 7, 2008

Todays Washington Post story confirms my observations. See below.

A Critical View of Saudis' Treatment of Foreign Help

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