Before going to the event, I decided to check Mr. Haqqani's bio on the internet. I found out that before his appointment he was an associate professor at Boston University and has been a TV show host, author, and columnist. However, the item that caught my eye was that he was a minister or ambassador when Mr. Nawaz Sharif of Muslim Leaugue and Ms Benazir Bhutto of People Party was prime minsiters of Pakistan. This is an incredible since both parties have completely different agenda. Obviously, this raises questions about his integrity and in Pakistani terms he can be considered a great Chamcha or Lota.
I was presently surprised by his speech at town hall meeting. He seems like a person with good analaytical and verbal communication skills. His central theme revolved around three points. Pakistan needs to fight terrorism, allow democracy to flourish even though some of the current leaders may be corrupt, and educate the 58 percent of the kids who go to school and the remaining 42 percent who do not to a suitable curriculum whic does not brainwash them about hate and extermism.
His speech was followed by question and answer session. As expected from the Pakistani expatriate audience who belong to the so called educated upper middle class, the questions were about how to tackle Talibans and Al Qaida, corruption and accountability, and leadership of the two main political parties which does not change. Mr. Haqqani was very eloquent in his answers. He stated you can make changes by working within the system. However, I was surprised that there was no discussion about the econmic disparity between the rich and poor. While the avreage sons and daughters of the army generals, corrupt breaucrats, and feudal elites go and study in elite private schools and then sent overseas to USA or UK universities spending $50,000.00 per year, the average Pakistani kid in the village can only to the Madrassas run by Talibans or their supporters. Unless this inequity is addressed, Pakistan will never wipe out the Talibans or Al Qaida. The Madarrassas will keep producing more Talibans. With the current president of Pakistan net worth of one billion dolars without ever having worked in his life, the leader of opposition net worth of $700 million, and average net worth of an army general in excess of 8 million dollars, it is apparent to me that the gross ineqity of wealth is the root cause of Talibanisation of Pakistan and it will unfortunately continue towards a violent revolution. I am afraid that Mr. Haqqani either does not understand it or intentionally dismiss this thought because in response to a question he stated that inflation of 20 percent during the last year is of no consequence.